Monday, January 1, 2024

Pop resolutions

I'm actually a fairly prolific pop artist, though I don't talk about it much, as evidenced by the fact that this blog is somewhat sleepy asd poorly linked to most of my work. I'm most active on my Cloud Quakers site, but that's not the only place I post. I consider myself an impressionist, and a kandinskyist, since I almost exclusively use the kandinsky function on the lunapic app to create impressionist art for various sites and book covers.

I don't plan on changing any of this any time soon, though you never know when another app will come along that will make ordinary photos into impressionist masterpieces. One thing I like to remember is that it's the book covers that will survive, as most of the stuff I put on these blogs or facebook is really somewhat temporary and in any case not easy to find. What is the cover of the book, though, is in an entirely different arena. Those will still be looked at years from now, and will serve as a kind of record of my ability to get words on a piece of pop art and still have it do its job. Of my thirty books, almost all are pop works of some kind or the other, and three I'm itching to delete, I'm saving now for the pop alone. It's occurred to me to change the covers regularly and have a revolving door of covers such that all the books of a single series (e pluribus haiku) are spread out and quite random in terms of their pop covers. They are, as it is, a kind of record of my pop journey. But that is a kind of abuse of the zon's liberal policy of letting artists change their covers easily, which I don't want to upset really.

I've noticed lately an explosion of good artists, many of them impressionist, who have good Facebook pages and aggressive marketing strategies based on those pages. I don't really have a desire to do that, to move into an independent identity as pop art producer, but I still have this undeveloped side of me that yearns to be known as a pop artist. I no longer make calendars, but would like to do it again. These are all hazy bucket-list resolutions, but resolutions nevertheless.

1. Consider making a calendar again. Specifically, a Quaker Book Charity calendar.
2. A pop artist should have t-shirts.
3. Take a good hard look at all thirty book covers: these will go down as my legacy. Make them as good as possible. Some that need work are: CRTLI,HOTP, and AfB4 (these are acronyms, but you can guess or find them)
4. Explore other impressionist-making apps.

See you in a month or two, to see if I've made any progress!